- 發布日期:
- 最後更新日期:112-11-03
- 資料點閱次數:6698
中文 英譯
刑法 Criminal Code
總則 General Provisions
法例 Application of the Code
刑事責任 Criminal Responsibility
未遂犯 Attempt
共犯 Joint Offenders
刑 Punishment
累犯 Recidivism
數罪併罰 Combined Punishment for Several Offences
刑之酌科之加減 Sentence of Punishment and Its Increase and Reduction
緩刑 Suspension of Punishment
假釋 Parole
時效 Statute of Limitations
保安處分 Rehabilitative Measures
分則 Specific Offenses
內亂罪 Offenses Against the Internal Security of the State
外患罪 Offenses Against the External Security of the State
妨害國交罪 Offenses of Interference with Relations with Other States
瀆職罪 Offenses of Malfeasance in Office
妨害公務罪 Offenses of Obstructing an Officer in Discharge of Duties
妨害投票罪 Offenses of Interference with Voting
妨害秩序罪 Offenses of Interference with Public Order
脫逃罪 Offenses of Escape
藏匿人犯罪及湮滅證據罪 Offenses of Concealment of Offences and Destruction of Evidence
偽證及誣告罪 Offenses of Perjury and Malicious Accusation
公共危險罪 Offenses Against Public Safety
偽造貨幣罪 Offenses of Counterfeiting Currency
偽造有價証卷罪 Offenses of Counterfeiting Securities
偽造度量衡罪 Offenses of Falsifying Weights and Measures
偽造書印文罪 Offenses of Forging Instruments or Seals
妨害風化罪 Sex Offenses
妨害婚姻及家庭罪 Offenses Against Marriage and Family
褻瀆祀典及侵害墳墓屍體罪 Offenses Against Religion, Graves, and Corpses
妨害農工商罪 Offenses Against Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce
鴉片罪 Offenses Relating to Opium
賭博罪 Offenses of Gambling
殺人罪 Offenses of Homicide
傷害罪 Offenses of Causing Bodily Harm
墮胎罪 Offenses of Abortion
遺棄罪 Offenses of Desertion
妨害自由罪 Offenses Against Abandonment
妨害名譽及信用罪 Offenses Against Reputation and Credit
妨害秘密罪 Offenses Against Privacy
竊盜罪 Offenses of Larceny
搶奪、強盜及海盜 Offenses of Abrupt Taking, Robbery and Piracy
侵占罪 Offenses of Criminal Conversion
詐欺背信及重利罪 Offenses of Fraudulent, Breach of Trust, Taking, and Usury
恐嚇及擄人勒贖罪 Offenses of Extortion and Kidnapping for Ransom
贓物罪 Offenses of Receiving Stolen Property
毀棄損壞罪 Offenses of Destruction, Abandonment, and Damage of Property